The subtle Power of ggraph for Relational Database
Announcing ggraph: A grammar of graphics for relational data I am absolutely thrilled to announce that ggraph has finally been released on CRAN. ggraph is my most ambitious package to date and its very early genesis has been described in a prior post . If any mention of ggraph is completely new to you, then in short terms ggraph is an extension of the ggplot2 API to support relational data such as networks and trees. I feel fairly confident in saying that ggraph is the most powerful way to create static network based visualizations in R. Leading up to the release, the three main concepts of ggraph has been described in detail in their own blog posts ( layouts , nodes , and edges ) so this will not be reiterated here. Instead I’ll talk a bit about the philosophy behind the package as well as show of some of the features that do not fall into any of the three main concepts. The P...